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                                        We want you to be kept up to date with Dog dementia so HERE's WHAT's NEW!



August 26th. 2022

New Study from Dog Aging Project regarding Dog Dementia


Today CNN, The New York Times, New York Post, Seattle Times, the Guardian, IFL Science and Earth.com and other media sources, all published articles stating in no uncertain terms, "DOGS GET DEMENTIA!" They also advise how the risks for dogs increase and how to lower those risks.

For over 2 years I have been trying to convince pet parents that Dog’s Get Dementia and that EARLY PREVENTION is KEY, but today those statements have been echoed in these articles.

Even if your dog already has dementia, there are so many things that can be done for CCD, I only knew this because I lived this disease with my Shamrock and learned about it during over 50 interviews with dementia & Alzheimer’s experts, veterinarians, specialists, behaviorists, and researchers. I took their guidance and wove the stages of this disease from my dog’s experiences and learned about Early Prevention, Recognition of Signs and Treatments, when I wrote it in "Shamrock's Story From Hurricane Katrina to Doggy Dementia & Alzheimer's."

Recent study by the Dog Aging Project shows what "Shamrock's Story," was written to explain, dog's get dementia! Read the press release here: https://www.pr.com/press-release/868312

Here are some of the sources whre you can read about dog dementia and this incredible news!



The risk of canine cognitive dysfunction, a.k.a. “doggy dementia,” is far greater in dogs who don't get enough exercise, researchers found.

 Will Your Dog Get Dementia? A Large New Study Offers Clues. - The New York Times (nytimes.com)



Doggie dementia risk rises each year after age 10, study finds. 





Dogs’ risk of dementia increases by half every year - Activity level and cognitive decline appear to be linked, but scientists say more research is needed. 


Will your dog get dementia? A large new study offers clues


Science Alert

Dogs get dementia too, sadly, but a simple habit seems to lower the risk

The New York Post

Your pooch is 52% more likely to develop ‘doggy dementia

Discover Magazine

Risk Of Dementia In Dogs Increases With Age - The risk of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction increases 68 percent each year after a dog turns 10.

Risk Of  Dementia In Dogs Increases With Age | Discover Magazine



Dementia will affect most dogs if they live long enough

Dementia will affect most dogs if they live long enough • Earth.com 


Doggy dementia risk increases with each added year of life

The Conversation

Dogs get dementia - but lots of walks may lower the risks

The Sun

Lazy dogs 6 times more likely to gt  dementia   

Nature World News

Doggy Dementia: A Progressive Brain Disease in Dogs

Dogs can develop dementia- but routine strolls may reduce the risk, study finds - Dementia-affected dogs frequently go missing in their own backyards or houses.

International the news

How to know if your dog has dementia?  

Veterinary neurologist Dr Rose Peters says that six signs can hint toward canine cognitive dysfunction in dogs which can cause dementia


Dementia in dogs can be avoided with a healthy lifestyle 

Cosmos magazine

Risk of doggy dementia increases dramatically every year after age ten - A study of dogs characterises the prevalence of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.


Information about the "GUT" Connection to Dementia and Alzheimer's


Today, July 20, 2022,  an announcement about Alzheimer's identified a gut connection-- I learned this over 2 years ago when interviewing Alzheimer Specialists and veterinarians for my book , "Shamrock's Story," about Shamrock's journey through the stages of dementia. 
I have tried to explain about the gut connection to dog parents and hope now they will see that diet and supplements are so very important! For people as well as finally explained today!

here is the link for more information -





From Our Contributors

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW BOOK

"Clearly Keto: For Healthy Brain Aging and Alzheimer’s Prevention" By Dr. Mary Newport


Finally, an in-depth look at the things you can do—and the things you should avoid—to delay, slow down, or possibly prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders of the aging brain

Billions of dollars and decades of Alzheimer’s research targeting the hallmark plaques and tangles in the brain have failed to produce a meaningful treatment for people with the disease. Drawing from the extensive research into ketogenic dietary intervention that dramatically improved her husband’s early onset Alzheimer’s disease, Mary T. Newport offers new and practical approaches to taking control of the lifestyle risk factors in our everyday lives that threaten healthy brain aging.

Clearly Keto for Healthy Brain Aging and Alzheimer’s Prevention provides the rationale and a detailed plan for adopting a whole food ketogenic Mediterranean-style diet to overcome insulin resistance and provide ketones as an alternative fuel to the brain. 

Visit: https://amzn.to/3EtM0YH  for reviews and to purchase



This information is from  a communication with Dr. Evan MacLean)

as of  May 17, 2022

 Re:Canine Cognitive issues - article "Inside the Canine Mind"


Dr. MacLean said  we unfortunately don’t know a lot in this area, but there are certainly reasons to believe that cognitive stimulation throughout the life may have a beneficial impact on cognitive health during aging.  In some work pending publication, we have shown that participation in training activities is associated with decreased risk of dementia symptoms in DAP, (Dog Aging Project!).  It's important to stress that this is an association, and we don’t know and can’t yet determine if there is a causal relationship at play.  But you may find the effect of training history on dementia symptoms described in this pre-print (not yet peer reviewed) article:




There have been other studies in beagles which also link environmental enrichment to better cognitive outcomes in aging:




We hope to learn a lot more about this through Dog Aging Project! Very best - Evan


Dr. MacLean is the Director of the Arizona Canine Cognition Center and more information can be seen at https://www.dogs.arizona.edu 

Evan MacLean, Ph.D. 


Recommended Tooth Product


In a Pet Summit - Dr. Kangas of Integrative  Veterinary Care, www.intvetcare.com-  spoke about TEEF- a dental product that help strenghten the good bacteria and weaken the bad bacteria helping to create beneficial oral microbiomes that benefit your pet's health.


Because dementia is related to so many issues and dental is one,  TEEF may be a valuable product to consider.  Check with your Veterinarian  abotu adding TEEF for your pet.



Dr. Feinman has joined the Morris Animal Foundation as a scientific advisor for their 2022 senior dog wellness research project-


Here is the information:

Researchers are constantly looking for new information that will lead to better health for our senior dogs.  Dr. Feinman is part of the Morris Animal Foundation and their award for 2022 in part will look at “Senior dog health as applicable to primary care practice in the areas of nutrition, cognitive decline, other neurological conditions, mobility, frailty, inflammaging, immunosenescence, veterinary/owner awareness of specific needs, or end-of-life care.”


Veterinarians interested can apply at : https://www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/apply

Congratulations to Dr. Feinman. 



 As we receive more pertinent information about doggy dementia it will be posted here. 





Also our blog information can be seen below:  

First, I am not a veterinarian, I am a pet parent of over 9 dogs in my lifetime, so far, and a writer.  Everything I will write about is based on personal experiences with this disease and interviews with over 50 veterinarians, Alzheimer Specialists, Behaviorists, Researchers and Best-Selling Authors.  I will not give medical advice, but may refer the question to one of the medical experts I interviewed.


The blog is information I have gathered through my experiences with my dog, interviews with over 50 veterinarians, Alzheimer's Speicalists, Behaviorists, Researchers and Best-Sellign Authors.

This blog will try and examine some of the questions I have recieved since I started working on my book, "Shamrock's Story From Hurricane Katrina to Doggy Dementia & Alzheimer's

I am open to other conversations if you have questions and or comments - please email here:  or if you want to comment on a specific DOG BLOG please email here:  and include the dog blog Title:


Each dog blog will have a title and one topic - this may be different than other blogs this is  DOG BLOG - and we hope it helps better understand Dog Dementia and Alzheimer's


Below are pictures of Shamrock's Story her stages before and through this disease


I asked a group of pet parents during the research for "Shamrock's Story," -

DOG BLOG TITLE_ Do you Know That Dogs Get Dementia? 

The reason this was a primary question to ask was, after having had dogs all my life, 9 to date, many who lived into their 20's, I didn't know anything about this disease for dogs.  My uncle had dementia, but until I was confronted by a veterinary neurologist with the possibility, I never thought of it...but then her symptoms mimicked his and that was the "light bulb moment."

The answers I received from other pet parents were interesting.   Most pet parents had no idea their dog could get dementia or what it was. they did know about it for people but never conceived that dogs might get it and what it could be like if they did.

The few that did know seemed only to know when their dog was diagnosed because of symptoms that started as behavioral and had no medical diagnosis, or systemic cause.  

 This led to trying to learn about the disease and to interviewing over 50 experts. The result is "SHAMROCK'S STORY."

What I learned: We need to understand the Early Prevention, Recognition of Signs and Treatments and as with humans lifestyle plays a major role. That is why I spent 2 years doing this to write "Shamrock's Story" about this horrible disease - and what I learned; which is that we all need to be more aware of this disease.  I want to help dogs and their families not go through this!

Some readers comments:

I had no idea dogs could get dementia. Would love to know the symptoms.

RESPONSE: (We will cover those soon)!

Never heard of it until I talked with a lady about her dog and she said the dog was  very confused when going outside- so sad poor baby. Never knew it existed - now I do! Guess we need more information.

RESPONSE: Please see "Shamrock's Story" and watch this page for more information.

Most pet parents don't so awareness is key! Thanks!

RESPONSE: AWARENESS is KEY and the first step to defeating this horrible disease.

Now that we have started the dialogue about this disease - Stay Tuned for another Blog about Dog Dementia - Want to be advised when there is a new topic: DOG BLOG Add your email here:



SHAMROCK'S STORY through Pictures from Hurricane Katrina to Doggy Dementia & Alzheimer's





Shamrock & Clover 8 months old - first picture taken after Hurricane Katrina Rescue  



  Shamrock - on the couch   Love My Comfort
Shamrock - on the couch  My Arm Chair
Shamrock - Sun bathing  Lounging In The Sun
Shamrock keeping an eye out Keeping an eye out for Clover 




Clover- Favorite spot Clover relaxing Clover watching everything
  My Favorite Spot   I'm Being Good - just waiting for Something- Anything! I'd rather watch stuff ! 

Clover relaxing
  How  long do I have to be still and wait?


  Shamrock & Clover - Happy Birthday
Shamrock & Clover Happy Birthday- wait
  Great looking puppy approved cake. It's our birthday                           Can't you bring that cake a little closer?  Our Mouths Are Watering!     


Shamrock & Clover - Happy 2nd Birthday  

We got Dressed Up To Celebrate!  How Long Do We Have To Wait?



  Shamrock & Clover staying out of trouble
Look how good we are!  
Shamrock & Clover - Food Temptations Shamrock & Clover - waiting
Okay, I'll keep an eye on Clover! 

    Clover is trying to behave     


                                                                Shamrock & Clover - together        Shamrock Loves Clover!

  Clover got us in trouble!! 
Can 't I get down and go have fun??
Shamrock loves and
protects Clover

                 Shamrock & Clover together   

  We always have each other!
Forever and Ever
Just us -
Sister's & Best Friends side by side

 February 14, 2004 - October 14, 2015


  Beautiful Clover 10 years old GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN! Clover - 10  



              SHAMROCK - 11 YEARS OLD




                     Just Playing in the Snow Shamrock - Alone                         First Birthday without Clover  


  Shamrock Waiting Patiently  Shamrock Happy Birthday   Shamrock - Birthday steak Dinner  Shamrock Happy Birthday   


  Shamrock Diagnosed with CCDS Not a happy camper
Make her comfortable
to encourage sleep
During CCDS giving
   extra warmth and comfort
Shamrock diagnosed with CCDS
Taking a nap - covered her for comfort 
  Shamrock sleeping peacefully in her bed

                                                                                                             Can't wait for that

Shamrock - Tribute Picture 

Shamrock With Love

To Learn More About Dementia and Alzheimer's In Your Dog - click here for dog dementia


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